I design websites for plumbers. We assist plumbers with writing the copy for their websites. The work plumbers do is fairly standardised and includes: New bathroom installations Geysers and Hot Water Systems Backflow Drain cleaning Drain Camera Inspection Heat Pumps Drain Jetting Gas installations Greywater Rainwater Solar... more

I assist businesses in Marloth Park or nearby Marloth Park doing business in Marloth Park that is property related to market their services in Marloth Park. This is a niche service I offer because of my love for Marloth Park and my future dream of semi-retiring in Marloth Park as a Property Practioner or Estate Agent. Don't know what it will be... more

My previous blog today " Market research example Solar Panels in Marloth Park or Betty's Bay " dealt with the start of market research for the demand for Solar Power in Marloth Park or Betty's Bay. I am still waiting for the admins of those pages to approve the posts. In my posts, I asked a few questions. See the two screenshots. ... more

I am doing some research on the topic of Solar power ( demand and supply) in the holiday township of Marloth Park. Marloth Park sits along the southern boundary with the Kruger National Park. It is about a 4-hour drive from Pretoria so it's very popular for weekend and holiday visitors planning to visit the Kruger National Park. Especially for ... more

Foto bo van my en my dogter in Paternoster jare gelede. Sy word vandag 18 jaar oud. Hoe wens ek , ek het die geld en tyd gehad om vandag by haar te wees op haar 18de verjaarsdag. Vir iemand wie vir homself werk is die konsep van tyd en geld een en dieselfde ding. Wanneer dit kom by tyd is tyd die oorwegende faktor wat bepaal of iemand suk... more

Johan Baie dankie vir die besigheid en dat ons jou kan help om suksesvol te wees op die internet deur vir jou 'n webwerf te ontwerp. Ek gee hier 'n kort opsomming van die proses op skrif sodat ons almal op dieselfde bladsy is. Ek doen dit in Afrikaans want jy is Afrikaans. Ek doen dit op my persoonlike webwerf want my eie web design webw... more

Below you will find an example of where I assisted a web design client with Social Media Marketing, specifically on Facebook. For years I have been active in marketing web design sales in Marloth Park, adjacent to the Kruger National Park. I own the website and am also the admin of the Facebook group " Ma... more
Ek deel graag vanoggend se epos aan 'n webwerf kliënt van Kwikwap. Die kliënt kry nie die resultate wat hulle graag wil hê nie en het navraag gedoen oor Facebook bemarking as alternatief. Ek kon die kliënt oorreed om hulle webwerf te behou en probeer hulle help om hulle webwerf te verbeter. Niemand betaal vir my, my tyd om ... more
Looking for affordable online accounting services in South Africa? I am an accountant who lives in the small coastal town of Betty's Bay in the Western Cape. The lockdown implemented two years ago forced a lot of people to start working remotely. I do contract work for a Chartered Accountant firm based in Pretoria that provides the necessary... more
Google sheets are ideal for small and micro businesses for writing up a cashbook / creating a summary of your bank account for a financial year. The reasons why it is ideal is: Free Easy Backed up in the cloud Easily shareable with your accountant You can also use Microsoft Excel but that is not free nor is it automatically backed ... more
For most small businesses 28 February is the last day of the financial year. Many businesses will today be busy with stock takes. (The purpose of the year-end stocktake is mainly to satisfy external auditors as to the value of inventories at financial year-end where in general weekly or monthly stock takes is for the purpose of internal control.) D... more
Hoe om 'n elektroniese briefhoof in Draftworx te sit: (Vind aangeheg) Step 1 - Preview financial statements Step 2 - Click on the tab "letterheads" ( In the small grey box on the right) Step 3 - Click on the Letterhead 1 box and tick cover box then click on the three dots to select "Briefhoof Front Page&qu... more
Homeless man Yesterday I met a homeless man… Have seen him around Parked at the beach His earth’s possessions piled into his broken car Broken as his life All he is, all he was, piled in disarray in this broken car, Said:" Hi Sir! Are you hungry?" while handing him my ... more
This morning I practiced what I preach and got the desired results. I am feeling quite chuffed about it so I decided to write another blog about it. For my web design business, I do a monthly newsletter. As I meet potential clients I add them to my mailing list and the idea is to once a month send out a newsletter. This helps me keep in touch with ... more
So… om julle website mooi te kry en om te help met al die info laai het nou reeds al baie tyd geneem en julle geld gekos. Nou soek ons kliente. Een van die maniere is om besigheid te kry deur organiese soeke op Google. (Organies staan teenoor Google advertensies.) Soos ek hieronder verduidelik is “Organies” nie verniet nie. Organ... more
Every crisis brings opportunities. Currently, we are on day 10 or so of Lockdown in South Africa and we can already see some people creating new opportunities. Some people are producing masks and hand sanitizer. Other people are offering grocery shopping or grocery delivery services. People are getting online tools to offer services such as teachin... more
Every crisis brings opportunities. Currently, we are on day 10 or so of Lockdown in South Africa and we can already see some people creating new opportunities. Some people are producing masks and hand sanitizer. Other people are offering grocery shopping or grocery delivery services. People are getting online tools to offer services such as teachin... more
We are looking for people to market our web design services to businesses in Southern Africa. We are currently locked down in Betty's Bay but we have much experience in building websites for people all over Southern Africa, even training people to manage the content of the website themselves. People pay the following fees: Initial Setup and ... more
We have a Kwikwap Franchise (License) with established clients for sale. Kwikwap Licenses are sold for R150K plus Vat. This enables the License holder to be a reseller of hosting services and to appoint agents to sell and design websites. The agents get the full setup and training fee while the hosting fee is shared between the License Holder... more

Marloth Park borders the Kruger National Park in the South and there are many self catering holiday homes. There are a few Facebook groups where people looking for / offering accommodation interact with each other. Some people feel that their own Facebook marketing efforts are enough and that they do not need a website. There is always an exception... more

On Facebook you will get many leads of people advertising with no website. (You will see for example they use a gmail address and make no reference to a website. I then send them an email with a link to an example of a current listing. If they had a Facebook page I could have messaged the page directly. There are a couple... more
Our main business is that of web design. See We pay 50% commission to people selling websites or advertisements for us. To know what unique selling points we have regarding our web design services please Google: “Buddy Web Design Value Proposition” . We have the following websites where we sell mini websi... more
If you are an experienced digital advertising sales representative you will probably find this extremely boring but nevertheless… I work from anywhere in the world (currently Kleinmond in the Western Cape). You will find a lot of details on all that I do on this website. I own a few Afrikaans websites which focuses on accommodation. Th... more
Hi my name is Francois Marais and I own established Afrikaans websites focussed on Tourism. I am looking for freelance sales representatives. You can be based anywhere in the world. Read more about me on francoismarais dot co za I have created websites in Afrikaans which focus on accommodation. Websites like Lekkerslaap have proven tha... more
I am once again spending quite a bit of hours helping a client from Somerset West to catch up their accounting work going back 12 months. Doing accounting is boring but writing about something boring? Accounting may be viewed by some as boring but it takes a lot of determination to process transactions for days on end. The reward for me is when I a... more
A well established and stable short term insurance book is for sale in the Helderberg. Primarily Western Cape clients. Telephone based marketing, service and maintenance. (Location not that important) Stable book with low broker fees. ( Opportunity for new operator ) Book placed with 6 Insurance hubs. 98% personal lines. No large polici... more
Is jy dalk op soek na 'n goedkoop boekhouer tot op proefbalans. Ek kan as 'n goedkoop boekhouer beskou word. Ek is tans besig om 'n maatskappy van Somerset Wes wie se boeke deurmekaar geraak as gevolg van brouery deur die vorige rekenmeester / boekhouer oor te doen vir amper 10 maande. Dus is daar baie roetine werk wat gedoen moet word.... more
Having qualified as an accountant more than 20 years ago and having spend the last 12 years selling websites I am well qualified to blog about getting a return on your investment in your website . This article is aimed at the very busy small medium business owner in the Helderberg where we offer our web design services. For small medium busin... more
Sage Accounting or Sage Cloud Business Accounting as it is now known has many benefits. (Have to check the latest name for Sage Accounting because it has now recently twice changed its name, probably as they position themselves for the international markets?) One of the benefits of Sage Accounting vs Xero Accounting is the cost because Sage is a... more

To process debtor’s invoices you need to select customers and then select transactions and finally select customer invoices. See image below: When you invoice a customer you debit your customer. The accounting system which was developed by the Romans is based on a double entry system where for every debit entry there needs to be a cred... more

When starting out with Sage Business Accounting it can happen that you have to capture a few transactions which you captured on your old accounting system. There is an option to convert your data from programs such as Sage Pastell Express but this process can take up to two business days. Screenshot above: The first step is to log into your ... more
What does monthly accounting or bookkeeping entail? This blog is inspired by my wife asking me last night what I still have to do for a new accounting client in Somerset West. (My wife will definitely not be joining me in the Helderberg accounting business as with the web design business.) So what does monthly accounting or bookkeeping entail ? ... more
Sage One must be one of the most user friendly programs around for small and even medium businesses to do their accounting with. Even beginners can master this accounting software easily This year we celebrate the 30th birthday of the internet and how has it not changed the way we work and do business!? Sage One Accounting is no different. First... more
I am currently doing a food costing exercise for a local restaurant before the season starts. Many restaurants and food suppliers increase their prices over the festive season. The suppliers increasing their prices, coupled with the expected increase of meat prices in December leaves restaurant owners with little or no choice but to increase their ... more

Of jy nou 'n lodge besit of 'n enkele selfsorg vakansiehuis is dit belangrik om te verstaan wat jy kan doen om beter soekresultate op soekenjins soos Google te verkry. Dit is ook belangrik om te verstaan wat die ander maniere is om jou webwerf te bemark en ook belangrik om te verstaan waarom jy steeds jou eie webwerf moet besit in 'n... more
Jou kort gids tot sukses op die Internet met WWW (Webwerwe wat Werk) 1 Inleiding 2. Wat is Soekenjinoptimisasie? 3. Wat is die belangrikse basiese dinge om reg te doen ? 4. Wat is die algemeenste foute wat gemaak word ? 5 Hoe meet mens resultate ? 6 Hoe kan ‘n webwerf die beste word? 1.Inleiding Hoekom is sommige besig... more
Een van ons nuwe kliënte het ons Vrydag gevra om SEO of Soekenjinoptimisasie te verduidelik. Ek dek die onderwerp omtrent elke maand wanneer ek my maandelikse nuusbrief doen en ook vir so lank reeds dat ek eintlik nie meer iets nuuts het om oor die onderwerp te skryf nie. Wel ek het nog nie dit in Afrikaans gedoen nie. (Indien ek wel het ontho... more
Based in the Helderberg I also am a business broker. Being a web designer, actively marketing my web design services I meet a lot of people. Because I meet a lot of businesses while selling web design services and because I am also an accountant I am well qualified to be a business broker. I first started marketing business fro sale in 1997 w... more
PROVISIONAL TAX 2019 Provisional taxpayers are people who earn income other than a salary / remuneration. If you get income such as rental income from a property, interest income from investments or other income from a trade, you will always be a provisional taxpayer, even if you also earn a salary. If you just earn... more
VOORLOPIGE BELASTING 2019 Voorlopige belasting betalers verdien ander inkomste as ‘n gewone salaris / vergoeding. Indien u inkomste verdien soos huur inkomste van eiendom, rente op beleggings of ander inkomste van handel, is u ‘n voorlopige belasting betaler, self al verdien u ook ‘n salaris. Indien u slegs &lsqu... more
One Sage One Accounting error I have now committed two years in a row was processing the right transactions in the wrong period. In the good old days when businesses were still using cheques the monthly bank reconciliation was the number one point of control for accurate accounting records. Youngster accountants and bookkeepers do not know ho... more
Inleiding Ek het besluit om te fokus op besigheidsplanne omrede ek voltyds werk as ‘n finansiële bestuurder by ‘n klerefabriek in Somerset Wes. Ek het dus nie die kapasiteit om normale belasting en rekeningkundige dienste aan te bied nie. Boonop alvorens ek dit kan doen moet ek eers weer baie duur registrasie fooie betaal. Dit i... more
FARMING, ECONOMICS ETC... we need to produce a lot more goods including food in South Africa. Our population is growing at an alarming rate. Add to it that people are leaving rural areas in search of opportunities. I have met Uber Drivers from countless African countries. So people are flocking to cities like Cape Town while there is only so much l... more
I recently met an Uber driver on the way to work. The Uber driver also registered as a tour guide after doing a two month training course. He asked about taxes and also obtaining a letter from his accountant, confirming his income. I offered to write a blog entry, not mentioning his name to describe his income tax situation and the way forward. ... more
Introduction The writing of business plans are one of the services I offer and one of the main reasons why I initially created this website. Besides enjoying doing business plans, it makes sense while being in full time employment , to focus on this kind of rewarding part-time work. (Business Plans are generally not cheap because it involves a l... more
I wish I owned a Bitcoin. I decided yesterday to sell 8 Bitcoins and to buy Steinhoff Shares with the proceeds. The Bitcoin price opened at 16858.02 US Dollars. The exchange rate is 13.74 Rand for 1 US Dollar. Steinhoff shares were selling at R12.94 by mid afternoon yesterday. I estimated I could by 134,862 Steinhoff shares if I sold 8 Bit... more
Some tax issues are more complex than others. While getting an accounting system going on Sage One for a bookkeeping client in Somerset West yesterday the following “more” complex tax issues came up. Starting a new business or new branch and developing a new accounting system will often present more complex tax issues which have to b... more

Pic above: Step 1 select banking Step 2 : Select Import Bank Statements (Blue button above) Step 3 : Select Import File Type (There are more than one possible CSV format) . Selecting "plain" CSV requires less information and can be deemed easier for beginners Then select / click on "How do I set up a CSV file... more
Good financial management and accounting covers a broad spectrum including considering commercial law implications whilst concluding transactions and contracts. In some instances good financial management will imply to obtain qualified legal advice before important contracts are signed. Good financial management therefore implies knowing the limits... more
Solid Basic Business Principles Solid Basic Business Principles covers much more than web design. While having an effective website could most definitely save you time and get you more customers there are other crucial business principals which ALL businesses should adhere to. Before we start this article on Solid Basic Business Principles le... more
The executive summary of a business plan is an important part of your business plan. It should almost immediately answer the most important questions the final decision maker would have. If you wrote a business plan for a landlord you would address the experience you have in running a similar business. If you wrote a business plan to apply for a lo... more
Before considering Sage One training for start-ups the most important basics of accounting with any software program needs to be mentioned.: These accounting basics are that the bank accounts or cashbooks should be balanced. Before internet banking most people and businesses used cheques as the most common means of payment. If you are familiar w... more
AUGUST 2017 EMPLOYER INTERIM RECONCILIATION SUBMISSIONS OPENS ON 15 SEPTEMBER 2017 The Employer Interim Reconciliation submission period will open on 15 September and run to 31 October 2017. Kindly note that this email is intended for Employers. If you have received this email in another capacity, please forward it to the Employer/s you repre... more
Buy and sell life assurance also has income tax implications. Received this monthly newsletter from Sanlam today, stealing it because its good to have good concise summarries of something as important as buy and sell insurance. Buy and sell life assurance also has tax implications that need to be carefully considered Buy and sell life... more
Small SA Businesses Surviving 2017 and beyond 2017 is the year South Africa was downgraded to junk status. Last week saw Eskom being reported to have paid out bonuses in excess of 4,2 billion rand and that the average salary of an Eskom Employee was more than R355,000. That is 47,000 people working for Eskom, not being worried about small busine... more
PROVISIONAL TAX 2018 The first provisional tax return and payment is due on the 31st of August 2017. This provisional payment covers the first 6 months of this financial year: 1 March 2017 to 31 August 2017. We require the following information to calculate your first provisional payment for the 2018 tax year: Investment income (1 Ma... more
Looking for an affordable accountant, dentist or plumber? I often see people on Face book looking for recommendations for affordable service providers like accountants or web designers whilst also asking for the best accountant / web designer at the same time. This puzzles me as usually the best and cheapest or most affordable do not go hand in han... more
What would an accountant blog about? Or what would an old accountant blog about? I will admit that i changed the title of this blog to include the world old only after having been clicking away some memories on my PC and started to feel a little old. I have been back in the accounting industry for close on a year now after having spend the past ... more
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